Welcome to my blog.
This is my creative outlet that could include my thoughts on anything from current affairs, my weight loss quest and things that just make me need to voice an opinion.
It might be free of charge to call 911 on your cell phone but don't get caught doing it while your car is in motion, or you could be the one facing charges.
Ever since the first cell phone was used by motorists in Ontario the controversy and debate over their use has been a hot topic. Does talking on a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle make you a worse driver and a hazard on the roads? I can't believe I'm going to say this but "yes it does".
Now let me explain that. I have been a regular user of my cell phone while driving since I first bought a cell phone some 12 + years ago. I have not had an accident. I have not caused an accident and I have not come close to being in an accident.
Maybe I've just been lucky but I honestly think what I stated in my blog post of March 10, 2007 still rings true today. People who are good drivers can operate a motor vehicle and converse on a cell phone at the same time. A bad driver is just made that much worse when they're talking on the phone or doing something other than paying attention to the road.
In case you hadn't heard, the Liberal government at Queen's Park will be introducing a long sought bill to ban not only cell phone use behind the wheel in Ontario, but all electronic distractions in your car.
The bill will be introduced at 1:45pm next Tuesday (Oct. 28/08).
It's not clear yet exactly what will be in the legislation, expected to be brought out for first reading by Transport Minister Jim Bradley, but there are reports it will prohibit all use of phones, BlackBerrys and GPS devices by drivers in this province, with the possible exception of hand's-free devices.
It appears the law will only apply to those behind the wheel and not passengers in the front or back seat.
If this becomes a law I will comply...but the Liberals (who I voted for last election) will not get another vote from me ever. Are they going to pay for the new $140 earpiece so I can still use my phone? I highly doubt it. That's right though, you'll still be able to talk on the phone...just not with the phone in your hand up to your ear. You'll be able to use one of those goofy looking in your ear dohickey's.
Don't get me wrong. I think it's a smart idea for drivers to not talk on the phone while driving but why should I be penalized for no reason. I haven't had a problem driving and talking. In fact, I've come closer to getting into a fender bender by trying to change the radio.
If it's a matter of pubic safety, then I'm all for it but why stop at cell phones and other hand held electronics. Lets stop all stupidity behind the wheel. Make the law cover drivers eating food or drinking beverages. How about women checking their make-up or applying lipstick. Why not ban talking to any of the passengers in the vehicle. That can be a distraction as well.
I am sick of the government meddling in my life and telling me what I can and can't do. It may be a good idea but this penalizes me when I haven't done anything wrong. My MPP has done nothing for me and while I like Lou Rinaldi as a person, I can no longer support him or his party of choice. I am a Liberal supporter no more!
So, while I'm driving my way to the electronics store to by a new hands-free Jawbone, I think I'll call Lou to tell him what I think of his boss Dalton.
You know, I'm usually not a very political person...especially when it comes to the politics of the United States.
But when you consider how much the policies and economy of the U.S. effect Canada and the rest of the world for that matter, I can't help but have some interest.
I don't have a vote but if I did it would go for McCain. I think Obama is a nice guy but that hardly qualifies you to be President of the the most powerful nation on the planet. I don't like Hillary Clinton either but there's no way she'd allow herself or the U.S. to be pushed around or bullied. To be quite honest...she's a hard-assed bitch. She was definitely the better choice to run for President but once again her party screwed up and it will likely cost them come election day. Or at least I hope it will cost them.
McCain may be getting on in years but there's a lot of fight and experience in him and he's ready to take his rightful spot in the White House. If you're worried that he might die and Palin would take over...have no fear. Look how long Cheney has lasted.
Another thing that kind of bothers me and I think hurts Obama's chances is when celebrities come out in support of him and do stupid things that only make themselves look like fools and help convince undecided voters to vote for McCain.
One such celebrity is Hayden Panettiere who stars on the television program "Heroes". When a bonehead such as her thinks Obama is the choice and does something like this to show her support...I think I'd be trying to distance myself from it as quickly as possible.
Caution...this video contains foul language. (the F-bomb in particular)
If you say so Hayden....now why don't you go save another dolphin and disappear for a long time.
Alright, I'll admit that Tony Hawk is a pretty nice guy and has made a great living as the world's oldest teenager riding around and competing on his skateboard. He's 40 by the way.
But for every guy who makes it as a professional skateboarder(I can't believe that's a profession) there's five hundred thousand losers wearing baggy underwear showing pants, sideways hats and talking like they're from a different race contributing nothing to society except broken curbs and graffiti covered skate parks.
Nine times out of ten you can probably look at their parents and shake your head slowly while thinking..."it all makes sense".
Here now for your enjoyment is yet another leader of tomorrow wasting his life while at the same time doing us all a favour by guaranteeing he won't be able to produce any offspring of his own. If I didn't know any better I'd say God was trying to send this boy a message.
I'm not a super political person but I like to keep an eye on what's happening stay informed.
Now that the Canadian Federal election is over and millions of dollars was spent to basically end up with the same results prior to the election, I can spend a bit more time following the final weeks of the United States campaigns.
I've never been a fan of George W. Bush and I don't have any problems revealing that. He is America's biggest embarrassment in modern day history if not longer. I don't blame the Republican Party for everything and I think Bush was unfortunate to be President during a very troubling period of world history. The point is, he wasn't the man for the job that was placed in front of him.
John McCain is NOT Bush and I believe McCain is the best choice to be the next President. He probably could have made a better choice for a running mate but if Sarah Palin did take on the role of Commander and Chief, she couldn't do any worse than Bush. If you can put aside that choice and look objectively at his credentials, he is the most qualified person and has the backbone to not only lead but protect the people of the U.S. As a neighbour and fellow NATO country, I would feel much safer with McCain in power.
Barack Obama is not the man for the job this time around. I think he could be an excellent President one day but he needs more experience before that happens. As for his running mate, Joe Biden had proven in the past he should think before he speaks.
The most glaring example has to be when he recollected his fellow Americans watched FDR on television during the 1929 stock market crash. Of course the Biden family must have been the only one's in the world with a television at that time.
Oh sure, a few blunders here and there isn't a big deal and to be honest, Biden is a better choice than Palin but what fun is it when you can't make fun of politicians and the people in power. It makes us feel better.
Here is one of my favourite Joe Biden blunders. He really should lean to count.
If you're Canadian and over the age of 30, chances are at some point growing up you've seen the Hinterland Who's Who commercials on TV from the Canadian Wildlife Service and Environment Canada.
These informative vignettes first appeared in the early 1960's and educated Canadians on nature and the wildlife that inhabits our great nation. They brought native wildlife into living rooms using excellent film footage and simple narration. They became, and remain, an enduring part of Canadian culture.
As a kid, I don't think I appreciated them as much as I do now. Back then I hated school and these informational commercials came off as more teaching in the comfort of my own home. I didn't want to learn anything on "my time".
But now, I enjoy hearing the lonely flute of the background music and the nostalgia of those pieces. They take me back to a simpler time.
They were a great way to learn about nature and the wildlife that resides within our borders. If you'd like to view some of the old and newer videos, click on the link above to visit their website and check out their media gallery.
Here's one I came across online to remind you of the way they used to be.
And here's a spoof that someone put together based on these old public service announcements. It's kind of funny.
I was going to sit here and type out some of the reasons I have to be thankful this holiday but decided I'd spare you of all that crap.
Everyone in my family is healthy, as far as I know, and that's about all we can ask for. Actually, a longer summer would be nice.
Suffice to say things could be a lot worse and they can always be better. I'm right there in the middle and meaty part of the "giving thanks" curve.
As long as the turkey is cooked, the potatoes are mashed, the gravy isn't lumpy and the vegetables aren't al dente I'll be happy. If I can push myself away from the table, roll my big butt into the living room to the comfy chair, undo my pants and watch some TV, it will be a great day.
Of course the sad news is I'm working the entire weekend which is good and bad. Good: because I can always use the hours and the money. Bad: because it's another long weekend where the weather is great, I could have been golfing and seeing friends and just enjoying life a little.
Oh well, there's always next weekend. My luck; it will probably rain.
Any way, Happy Thanksgiving everyone and don't forget to vote on Tuesday in the Federal Election. As I always say...if you don't vote, you can't complain.
A recent Saturday Night Live sketch sparked a memory for me that I'm sure many people my age or perhaps a bit older might have experienced.
As a child my parents would load my brother and I into the car almost every weekend and we'd make the short 40 minute trip to my Grandparents house. It was a great place for a kid to have fun getting into mischief. Today they are both gone but the house is still there with new owners and it has been turned into a Bed and Breakfast.
My memories are quite vivid though. It was a rather large house on several acres of land. There was an old barn, a large vegetable garden, an old chicken coup with only the foundation remaining. There was a makeshift swing hanging from a pear tree in the middle of the circular gravel driveway that we used to swing on. The property was littered with large trees and I think some were walnut.
The house sat along Highway 2 and across the road was a small stream where my brother and I would catch speckled trout. My grandfather used to sell dew worms by the dozen to fisherman and he had an old Coca-Cola cooler he'd keep them in. In the evenings we'd place orange paper over the ends of our flashlights and after dark we'd walk around the yard picking worms to be sold.
With such a big garden, the whole family would work in it by planting and harvesting the vegetables. I used to enjoy using the rototiller to chew up the ground. Digging up the potatoes was fun but I can remember getting in trouble when I got a little too close with the pitchfork and speared the odd spud.
Any way, back to what got me to thinking about all of this. On Saturday nights, I believe, after supper my Grandfather had to watch his favourite show. We'd all gather in front of the T.V. and before long we'd hear the unmistakable sounds of The Lawrence Welk Show.
There he'd be with his conductors baton in his hand; wearing an ugly blue 70's suit with an audience full of seniors ready to enjoy some of "their" champagne music. Myron Floren would perform on his accordion, Bobby and Cissy would dance a number or two, the Lennon Sisters would harmonize together, Dick Dale would swing on his saxophone or sing a song and Norma Zimmer's soprano voice never failed.
I'm not going to lie, it wasn't my favourite music or entertainment but it brought the whole family together and certainly left its mark on me.
So what got me to thinking about all of this? Have a look at the video below. Perhaps I have a strange sense of humour but I laughed out loud watching it.
I guess the "real killers" can relax because "The Juice" won't be able to look for them anymore.
It took 13 years to the exact day of his acquittal for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, but a jury finally got one right and O.J. Simpson is going to prison.
Simpson was found guilty of all 12 counts in the armed robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers at a Las Vegas, Nevada, casino hotel last year.
The jury of nine men and three women, none of them African-American, began deliberations Friday after hearing from 22 witnesses over 12 days of testimony. Chief among the witnesses were seven of the nine people inside Room 1203 of the Palace Station Hotel and Casino for the September 13, 2007 confrontation. Prosecutors alleged that the men, led by Simpson, burst into the room, flashed a gun and threatened the memorabilia dealers.
The men then filled two pillowcases with Simpson trinkets, signed Pete Rose baseballs and Joe Montana lithographs. Simpson's defense attorneys maintained their client was merely trying to retrieve personal photographs and other mementos that belonged to him.
How much time he'll get has yet to be determined as sentencing is scheduled for December 5th. It likely won't be enough though.
Anyone who followed the murder trial in 1995 and felt Simpson should have been found guilty of that crime will no doubt feel some vindication. Sadly, although he most likely did commit those murders, the complete screw-up by the L.A. Police and the racism of one particular officer must have put enough doubt in the minds of the jurors of that trial that they had to acquit him
I know my jaw drops to the floor every time I watch this video.