I called to complain but the woman I talked to obviously didn't have a clue how the issue happened or what to tell me. I sent an email as well but that resulted in a long winded form letter response that attempted to justify the reasons for what happened but I still think it's just plain wrong of Future Shop to just raise their prices on an item for no other reason than supply and demand. The item wasn't on sale and then bumped back to the regular price....they just raised the regular price.
Here's the note I sent which explains what I'm upset about.

"I printed off the page listing for the Acer One 11.6" (AO722-0465) last night with a price of $349.99 and intended to buy it online today. When I went to purchase it Tuesday morning it was listed at $399.99, up $50 in less than 10 hours. It wasn't listed as being on sale so you've jacked up the price. What gives? How can you justify the price increase? How can I get it at the previously listed lower price? Please explain this. I was prepared to buy it but feel like I'm being scammed by your company now."
If nothing else I felt better by venting but this to me seems like sneaky blatant price gouging. The new before taxes price is higher than what it would have been with tax before the price jump. There's no way the laptop suddenly increased in value overnight.
I realize I'm only one person and losing my little sale doesn't mean much to a big company like Future Shop but I have spent a lot of money over the years in their stores and I'm pretty sure I won't be again any time soon. I think I'll give the local small store retailers a look from now on.