Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Top 15 Sexiest Survivor Ladies

The 25th season of Survivor on CBS is underway so I figured it was time to update my list. The popular television reality series maroons a group of strangers in a desolate location to compete in a game to Outwit, Outplay and Outlast each other until the lone Survivor remains to collect 1 million dollars.

Each season is different in some ways as the producers try to reinvent the game to keep it fresh but even then, if the castaways aren't entertaining or they don't keep our interest, it's easy to turn the channel and watch something else.

The one formula to the show that never disappoints is the sex factor. Lets face it, I'm not the only red-blooded heterosexual male who will tune in to watch beautiful young women in bikinis frolicking in the sand and surf.

I'll suffer through having to listen to annoying castaways like "Shambo", Sue Hawk, Ace and that idiot Jonny Fairplay if it means I can also enjoy watching the smart and sexy women I have listed below. By updating this list from my original posting I am still clearly targeting my male readers more so then my valued female readers but I'm a guy so it's only natural. And of course I could be missing obvious selections that you feel are worthy of top 15 status but this is my list so don't get too upset if I missed one of your favourites.

To be honest, this list really hasn't changed much at all with only one addition to the previous posting and one lady removed. But there was one young lady this season who I feel is worthy of being added. So without any further ado, lets get to the list.

There are a few who were very close to making my new list including Elisabeth Filarski (Hasselbeck), Candice Woodcock, Alexis Jones, Kelly Shinn, Danni Boatwright, Ami Cusack, Monica Padilla, Stephanie LaGrossa and Eliza Orlins. They are all beautiful women from the show but I figured I'd better keep the list to the top 15. Here we go:

Top 15 Sexiest Survivor Ladies
Click on images to see them larger

Number 15 - Kelly Sharbaugh
Survivor Samoa

Number 14 - Chelsea Meissner
Survivor One World

Number 13 - Amanda Kimmel
Survivor China, Micronesia & Heroes vs. Villains

Number 12 - Sydney Wheeler
Survivor Tocantins

Number 11 - Heidi Strobel
Survivor Amazon

Number 10 - Sarah Jones
Survivor Marquesas

Number 9 - Angie Layton
Survivor Philippines

Number 8 - Ashley Underwood
Survivor Redemption Island

Number 7 - Kelly Czarnecki
Survivor Gabon

Number 6 - Jenna Morasca
Survivor Amazon & All-Stars

Number 5 - Mikayla Wingle
Survivor South Pacific

Mikayla has also posed in Playboy. NSFW

Number 4 - Jennifer Lyon
Survivor Palau

Sadly Jennifer lost her battle with breast cancer on January 20, 2010 at the age of 37.

Number 3 - Parvati Shallow
Survivor Cook Islands, Micronesia & Heroes vs. Villains

Number 2 - Amber Brkich
Survivor Australian Outback & All-Stars

Number 1 - Natalie White
Survivor Samoa

Do you agree or disagree with my choices? Leave me a comment and let me know.

Monday, September 03, 2012

September Already?

Wooden Foot Bridge
Originally uploaded by *Bundy*
I can't believe this summer is almost over. Seems like only yesterday I was driving out to the golf course for the first time in March to play the first round of the year. But here we are only a few weeks away from the arrival of Autumn.

The one complaint I heard from people this summer was actually surprising to me. We didn't have enough rain.

Okay, I agree with them that it was an unusually dry summer and everything is either dead or on it's way to being deceased. The grass hasn't been green for over a month now. The trees are already changing colour due to the lack of rainfall and many crops have suffered because of it.

But this goes beyond summer. For those in these parts we have had very little precipitation gong back to the winter months. I think I used the snowblower three times last winter and once was just to get the gas out of the tank.

The forecast for the fall doesn't look as though it will get any wetter with more above normal temps and dry conditions expected. Part of me thinks this is great but I can't help but wonder what if we're going to pay for it come January. Are the days of the snowstorms for Eastern Ontario over is Mother Nature just waiting for the right moment to jolt us back to reality. I guess time will tell.

This past weekend I took advantage of the amazing weather to go for a walk through Jobes Woods Trail at Presqu'ile Provincial Park where I took the photo shown here. Normally the forest floor is damp or even underwater in this area and this bridge / boardwalk keeps walkers dry. But at this point all it does is keep you above the poison ivy.