Seriously! Does anyone know what day it is or how long we've been cooped up in our homes trying to avoid the Covid19 pandemic?
Life has been anything but normal and I think most will agree that this really sucks.
I know in the grand scheme of things I have it pretty good right now with a roof over my head and high speed Internet to stream Netflix. As good as that is, I still miss so many other things we used to take for granted.
The nicer weather has started to show signs of returning as the days get longer and warmer. I might even take my snow tires off the car this week. This change that we'd normally be happy about isn't being met with the same enthusiasm as it would have had 2020 gone as planned.
Everything is pretty much shutdown or closed to try and keep people safe, although it seems some selfish morons are still trying to do things they shouldn't. These mental defective numbskulls aside, most people are making an effort to keep themselves and the most vulnerable in our communities as safe as possible.
Here it is the end of April. What things would I be doing at this time of the year that I can't now. Obviously the first thing I think of is spending quality time with my Fiancée. We don't live together and therefore are not allowed to get close to each other. Are either of us carrying the virus? Probably not but that doesn't mean we can risk it for her health or mine. We'll make up for lost cuddle time when this is all over.
The snow is gone so clearly I'd love to put my golf clubs in the car and head to the course to shake the rust off my swing after a long winter.
Not to mention carrying my clubs around the course chasing the ball for exercise. As of right now, all golf courses are closed and our leagues will have to wait to begin, if we ever get them started this year.
I'm not alone in wanting the option to do other things like go to restaurants, walks in Provincial Parks, going to the gym and most importantly, gathering together in person with family and friends.
All we can do right now is put everybody's health first. That is more important than standing outside Tim Hortons having a smoke with your buddies drinking coffee. It's more important than taking kids to play on the swings at the park with their friends. It's more important than getting into arguments and fights with store staff or other people because you had to wait in a line to get groceries. Use the common sense you were born with and do what HAS to be done and not what you WANT to do.
Stay safe and let's take care of all of us.