Monday, December 06, 2010

Now I'm In The Spirit

I don't know why but each year I seem to have a tougher time getting into the holiday spirit. I can't explain why. Maybe it just happens as you get older or perhaps you need to experience something that helps to trigger that joyous feeling.

This year I was able to get that feeling sooner than normal.

It wasn't seeing the Christmas lights coming on that did it. The early arrival of some snow had no effect on me. Shopping in the malls with the songs of the season playing didn't set it off.

No, this year it was a commercial that gave me that warm feeling and desire to unwrap some items.

Why don't you watch this and see if it helps your spirit rise.

1 comment:

  1. Bill S.8:18 pm

    Can you imagine seeing that commercial on TV about 40 years ago? Or even later? Victoria's Secret has been around a long time. They must be doing well. I wonder if Warren Buffet owns shares in that company?
