Thursday, June 23, 2011

People Eating Tasty Animals

If you're a person who chooses to not eat meat I respect your choice and won't protest your decision. But why do some of these holier than thou individuals feel the need to force their personal choices on others?

The choice these individuals make to not barbecue a tender and juicy piece of steak is fine for them but don't think for a second that the scare tactics of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) will persuade me to put down my fork and A1 Sauce. It's not going to happen.

I don't care how a cow finds its way to the butcher. I just want to know how much it's going to cost to sink my teeth into its fleshy goodness.

We "Meatatarians" aren't stupid. We know all about the slaughter houses and how the process works. We just don't give a rats ass provided it results in succulent mouth watering medium rare flavour.

I stopped respecting PETA several years back when they were throwing blood or red paint on fur coats. The real final straw was when they compared the beheading of a Canadian bus passenger to what happens to an animal. The day my life or the lives of other humans, including those PETA members becomes less important than a pig or cow is the day I will lose all faith in humanity.

Yes I respect their opinion but I don't have to agree with it and never will. Don't get me wrong, I will enjoy a salad from time to time but usually right before my Prime Rib shows up all bloody on a plate in front of me.

So you PETA folks can continue to wrap yourselves in plastic and cover yourselves in red paint to try and prove a point but when you're done, feel free to meet me at the Keg for a thick T-Bone.


  1. Anonymous6:55 pm

    Hi Mark.I live in the same city, you know me.We love hockey and Radio

  2. Are you going to make me guess who you are? I'm not very good at guessing. :-)
