Saturday, January 12, 2013

Is This January?

Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Originally uploaded by *Bundy*
Before I say anything I want to be completely up front on this. I'm not complaining!!!

What is going on with the weather? Here it is mid-January when we should be seeing temperatures well below freezing, snow falling from the sky and me bitching and moaning about how miserable I am and how much I hate winter.

Instead, all of the snow we received over the Christmas holidays has all but vanished, rain has replaced the snow and the temperature is about 10 degrees above freezing. I actually saw people riding on motorcycles today.

As I said, I'm not complaining and I'm quite certain this little trip north by the jet stream will no doubt end soon. After all, February is typically the coldest month if memory servers me.

I'll enjoy this brief reprieve from having to scrape the ice off my car at six in the morning before I go to work. Not having to hold my hands up to the heater to thaw them out is something I know will happen again before Spring arrives, much to my dismay.

Of course I had to take full advantage of this amazing weather today. I grabbed my camera equipment and headed out to Presqu'ile Provincial Park and went for a nice long walk. There was snow back in the bush but most of the roads were clear for walking.

I came home with a few photos worth keeping including the one I've posted here. While I'm no birding expert, I'm pretty sure it's a Sharp-shinned Hawk. I was just getting ready to head home when he flew past me and landed on a feeding station nearby. I was able to snap four frames quickly before he spotted me and got out of Dodge. I was pretty happy with this one.

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