Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where’s The Global Warming?

I’m not a “tree-hugger” or activist but I care about the planet, honestly I do. You won’t find me holding a sign and squaring off with riot police voicing my opinion and I don’t have any children to worry whether or not the planet will be in good shape when they’re older but I’d still like to know the earth will be in good shape for years after my bones have turned to dust.

The problem with activists is they always seem to be searching for the next great cause to support and I wonder how much they really believe or know about the subject. I think the majority of activists are just “free-thinking challenged” individuals who might have good intentions but don’t really know what it is they’re getting up in arms about. They’re just a bunch of followers whose beliefs seem to be determined by the latest and greatest bandwagon cause to jump aboard and support.

I do have a bit of a problem with all this talk about “Global Warming” because I just don’t know if I believe it or not. Sure the scientists and so-called experts all say the ozone layer has a hole in it and the polar icecaps are melting but how do they know for sure what’s causing it? Where’s the proof?

Just saying greenhouse gas emissions are the cause doesn’t really mean a lot to me. The worlds greatest minds used to think the world was flat at one time but I think that theory was quickly put to rest when Columbus didn’t take a plunge before reaching the New World.

I’m not saying Global Warming doesn’t exist, I’m only saying I haven’t seen enough proof to convince me but I’m willing to do so more research on the subject.

Perhaps the name is wrong because for most people who live in the Northern Hemisphere we have a hard time believing the planet is getting warmer. We just suffered through one of the worst winters on record and here it is the middle of May and we are still wearing winter and warm spring coats.

I can remember vividly just over 20 years ago when every May was warm and sunny. When I used to play rugby or participate on the high school track team I always had sunburns early in the season. We’d have rain but we were still able to wear our shorts. If I wore shorts the last few years in May I’d have little frozen bits falling off my body.

If the climate is changing, I just don’t see it going in the direction the scientists and Al Gore would have us believe. Of course, they probably justify their theories by saying the cold weather is still an effect of the Global Warming. If that’s the case, call it Global Cooling or Climate Instability or anything other than what they are calling it now because I just don’t buy it.

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