Monday, March 05, 2007

Spring Cleaning

OK, I realize Spring hasn't officially arrived yet and in fact it's one of the coldest nights of the winter with the windchill trying to do it's nasty worst, but I thought it was time for a change.

I had Marge Simpson give me a hand and we've made a few changes to the overall look of my Blog and who knows, I might not be done yet.

I'm toying with the idea of doing away with my other website all-together and just updating my blog. The website was my first foray into the world wide web and was fun but it's a pain to update and this is much more fun and interesting to play around with. I think most people checked out my website for photos and I can still link to those on the blog so problem solved.

Any way, I hope the new look is more pleasing to the eye. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Nobody ever leaves comments when they visit and it makes me sad. Well...maybe not sad but it would be a nice surprise from time to time to see a comment or two.

I'm sure I'll play around a bit more with the blog from time to time but I needed to make a change and I think it's for the better.


  1. Anonymous11:11 am

    Looks Great Bund!!

    Hope you're doing well.


  2. HI Bundy!
    Miss you!
    I could use some help spring cleaning! Hell, I could use some help summer/fall/winter cleaning too! Anyone volunteering??
    Hope you are well! Stop by and see me sometime! Im only in Trenton on Wed/Fridays now!

  3. Anonymous4:58 am

    Hey Bundy.

    I like it, it looks great. Wanna send Marge over my way?

    Take care of yourself.

