Friday, September 26, 2008

Embarrassed By CFL

I love football and in particular I loved playing football in high school.

I would have loved to continue playing after Grade 13 but I went to a College that didn't have the game. Sadly in Canada it's only the Universities that have football programs.

I will admit I enjoyed playing the Canadian game much more than I do watching it on T.V. It just isn't as much fun when you aren't banging bodies yourself.

But since my "glory years" are behind me, all I have is my memories and the weekly games on television to keep me entertained.

I honestly believe the Canadian game is better than the NFL but our friends south of the border know how to hype it up. Three downs is always tougher than four. I don't know how they can't get a first down every time they're on offense. But this isn't about debating which game is better or worse.

The one thing that has always bothered me regardless of which league I'm watching is the idiots who score a touchdown and have to do some crazy dance or one act play to celebrate. I can remember when you used to get a penalty just for spiking the football. Now it has just gone overboard with players jumping into the stands, wiping and burping the ball like a baby, doing a dance or pretending to pose for the imaginary camera your teammate is holding. It's a joke.

Maybe I'm bitter because I never scored a TD. I just sacrificed my body to make sure some other candy ass running back or receiver could get the glory.

This brings me to the latest incident that rekindled my disdain for these showboating boneheads. I was embarrassed when I saw this during a recent Canadian Football League game. The only thing that helped me to stomach some of it was that most of these guys (4 out of 5 I think) are American. It's time to play Duck, Duck, Goose.

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