Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good Answer Miss California

If you don't mind, I'd just like to chime in with my two cents on this Miss California versus Perez Hilton gay marriage issue.

First, perhaps you should watch the short video before reading any further.

Before I go any further I have to ask these questions...who is Perez Hilton and what qualifies him to be a judge on the Miss U.S.A. competition?

OK...I know the answer to one of those questions and I'm being sarcastic. I understand Hilton is a well known entertainment blogger in the U.S. who is openly gay. I still don't know why he was a judge though. Surely they could have found some washed up celebrity with nothing to do that night. How about Isaac from The Love Boat?

Now for the record, I'm not an overly religious person and when it comes to individuals who are gay or lesbian I couldn't care less what they do in the privacy of their own homes. It's not a lifestyle choice I'd make but I don't think I have a right to deny them of their choices, the same as they shouldn't be able to affect my decisions either.

About the only thing that bothers me about their lifestyle is the Gay Pride Parade. I don't get to have a Heterosexual Pride Parade so why should they be so special?

But I didn't want this to be a debate over Gay versus Straight. For me, after viewing this video I was proud of Miss California for speaking her mind and answering the question honestly. I don't know what made me smile more....hearing her answer, or seeing the look of defeat on Hilton's face when he didn't hear the answer he expected.

Here's a guy who saw an opportunity to further his own agenda. He didn't care about who wins or loses. He looked at this as a chance to help the battle cry of homosexuals who want the right to be married and it didn't go as planned.

Here in Canada...the last time I was legal for men to marry men and women to marry women. I don't know if they have all of the same benefits and legally binding paperwork but they can stand up scream, "We're here, we're queer and we're married."

Poor Perez was ready to stand and shout hallelujah if he'd heard the "politically correct" answer he expected. Instead, the lovely Miss California became his instant arch-nemesis by not following his script and singing the praises of equality of all people.

Should gay marriage be allowed? It's not up to me to decide, but everyone is entitled to their opinion even when it might not be one you agree with. So I applaud Miss California for speaking her mind and sticking to her beliefs. She proved that having character is much more important than having a crown.

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