Monday, November 23, 2009

Ya Know What Grinds My Gears?

I don’t think I'd be wrong in saying that pretty much everyone has some Pet Peeves that annoys the “h-e-double-hockey-sticks” out of them. It could be the slightest most obscure thing but every time you see, hear or experience it, it’s as exasperating as someone dragging their fingernails down a chalkboard.

This is one of those subjects that can be continued and updated from time to time as day to day we’re reminded of new annoyances that we might have forgotten about. In the future I may talk about others that didn’t make this list. Here are a few off the top of my head to get us started.

Using You’s
Oh baby this is a big time pet peeve of mine. Nothing drives me more insane than when I’m sitting in a restaurant with family or friends and the waitress comes along and asks, “How are you’s today” or “Can I get you’s some drinks to start” or the always popular “Are you’s ready to order?” Aaarggghh! I am so tempted to reply with “we’s fine” or “yes we’s is”, but I just can’t do it. I'd rather hear them say "How ya'll doing?" It isn't much better but it's less annoying to me. Please, if you’s is guilty of using you’s would you’s please stop immediately. Thank you’s.

Lead Foot Ladies
You know who you are. These are the women drivers who put the gas pedal through the floorboards of their vehicle and nearly or sometimes do cause accidents through their aggressive driving techniques. Rarely a day goes by when I’m not tailgated and passed by a woman driver exceeding the speed limit.

This isn’t just limited to young female drivers. Just the other day I had two women over 30 (one in her 60’s at least) ride my ass and then pass without signals only to speed away. I was doing 90 km/h in an 80 km/h zone and I felt like I was standing still. I realize that not all women drivers are like this and men can be just as guilty but more and more I’ll see someone driving this way and before I get a good look at them I’ll say, “I bet it’s a woman” and 9 times out of 10…it usually is.

Debit Addicts
In this ever changing world, more and more people are moving away from carrying a lot of cash on them and instead choosing to use their debit cards. I’m one of those people. However, I won’t use it for one small inexpensive item. How many times have you been stuck behind someone in line at a store trying to use their debit card to buy something that costs 99 cents?

If they were quick about it I could forgive them but when they seem to take forever or their card isn’t working properly anymore and they’re forced to swipe the card 4 or 5 times…that gets me a little annoyed. For the love of God…carry at least 10 bucks on you at all times for these small purchases and save us all some time.

Dog Droppings
I love dogs but what I can’t stand are lazy dog owners who can’t pick up after their pets. There’s nothing more revolting than walking along the sidewalk and seeing the remnants of Fido’s last stroll.

What’s making it worse are lazy owners who let their dogs run free in public parks, soccer fields and cemeteries to get some exercise only to leave a pile of Rover’s finest stewed butt droppings as a present. Unsuspecting visitors who will be scraping it off their shoes and cleats in the near future. If you don’t like picking up after your dog…then DON’T OWN ONE! Carry a plastic bag in your pocket and keep him on a leash unless you’re in a designated dog park. Oh, and pray you don’t see me if you can’t follow these simple rules. I’ve had enough of it.

Gum Gum Dumb Dumb
At least three times this past year I stepped in some disrespectful persons disgusting, discarded chewing gum. First off, I think chewing gum is unattractive to begin with. To see someone gnawing away on a piece and looking like a cow chewing its cud looks atrocious no matter who’s doing it.

Now I realize people are naturally lazy and it’s so much easier to fire a used piece of gum out the window of a car or drop it on the ground then it is to locate a suitable garbage container or piece of paper to roll it up in. Hey, I’m as lazy as the next person at times but even these people must hate having to scrape someone else’s bubble gum off the underside of their $150 Nike’s. So why do they do it? It baffles me. These people need to have gum matted in their hair as punishment.

Restaurant Booths

As a hefty man I have to pick and choose the restaurants I visit not only by the quality of food they provide but also by the seating arrangements offered. There are a few places that only offer seating in the form of booths which is fine, provided they’re big enough to accommodate me. That is not the case in a lot of places.

When I make a reservation, I always explain that I need a table with chairs so I know I’ll have room. It’s a bit embarrassing but this is the way it has to be. I take it as a slap to the face and it is a little upsetting when the solution suggested by a restaurant employee is to place a chair at the end of a booth, thus placing me in the aisle or walkway. As if I wasn’t already feeling uncomfortable.

So if that is the only solution, I will usually leave. If I have to wait for a table and chairs to come open, I will. Fortunately most people who have dined out with me in the past know how I feel about this and are accepting. One thing I know for sure is that I’m not the only person who has to live through these awkward moments. And don’t get me started on the small seats in stadiums, hockey arenas and theatres.

Of course there are plenty of other things that grind my gears and when I think of more I’ll be sure to bring them to you. Also, if you have any, feel free to leave a comment. I’d love to hear them.

1 comment:

  1. Steven3:30 pm

    Great stuff. I hate the poor use of the English languate by waitresses as well.
