Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST Answers Few Questions

There are those who haven’t watched an episode, others who’ve viewed the odd show from time to time but weren’t hooked and then there are folks like me who have been devoted fans of the television show LOST which wrapped up its 6th and final season Sunday night with a two and a half hour finale.

Since the very first episode I’ve never missed one installment of this amazing television experience. The story, although confusing and misleading at times has been compelling and I don’t regret watching it for a minute.

The characters and their story lines are what powered the show plus always being left with questions at the end of each episode. We all wondered “what was in the hatch”, “what was the smoke monster”, “how come Richard never aged” and “where the hell did the island disappear to?”

Of course the biggest question was how did these people survive a plane crash after the aircraft broke up in midair and then find themselves on this mysterious island? Well, as we found out on Sunday night, they didn’t survive after all and have been dead the whole time.

Here’s my take on what happened. The plane crashed and killed everyone on board. But for the passengers we’ve followed all along, they weren’t ready to pass on into heaven and they needed a common experience to prepare themselves for the journey into the white light of Heaven. Does that make any sense? Ya, I’m still confused as well.

There’s no denying that LOST was an amazing television drama with amazing characters, plot lines, action, adventure and it kept me captivated and craving more for six full seasons. But my feelings are mixed on how the whole thing came to an end. In fact, I said about four years ago that if in the end we find out everyone died and they’re in purgatory or limbo waiting to pass on to heaven, I would be pissed off. Well, that’s pretty much what happened and while I’m disappointed, I’m not exactly pissed off because the finale was still well done.

Despite the fact the finale was fun to watch, I think the producers and writers for LOST took an unimaginative and predictable way out to end the show. The only way they could have made it worse was to have Jack wake up in his bed at home and say, “Hmm, it was all just a dream.”

Having said all of that, I know millions of LOST fans are now left with unanswered questions. Here are a few of mine.

1. If the smoke monster was created by going into the cave where the light source was located, how come Desmond and Jack never turned into a smoke monster when they went in?

2. Why did Ben not go in the church at the end and move on like the rest of the survivors did?

3. Why weren’t Michael, Walt and some of the other survivors who were on the island at the church? Were they not real to begin with?

4. Desmond and Penny weren’t on the plane so why were they there? Were they in limbo from some other accident?

5. What exactly was Richard’s role in all of this? Were he and Lepidus there only to help the survivors come to terms with their deaths and assist them into heaven?

6. When the plane took off, what happened to it?

7. Did Hurley actually take on the role of Jacob and Jack for any length of time but we just didn’t see it? Sounded like it when he talked to Ben.

8. How did Desmond figure it all out?

9. When Jin and Sun were in the hospital and had the flashback to their time on the island, how did they know to attend the concert?

I have a lot more questions and like a lot of other fans, I’ll be searching the web for possible answers.

LOST was a great show and those who didn’t watch it missed out on some excellent television viewing. But I understand that some people need their entertainment spoon fed to them and must have everything wrapped up and making sense at the end of each episode. Some people don’t enjoy having to think when they watch television. Lord knows there are plenty of crap shows on TV.

I’m going to miss LOST and the entertainment it provided. There are other shows on television which try and live up to LOST’s high standards but so far none of them have grabbed hold of my attention enough to keep me hooked like Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Hugo, Locke, Ben and the rest of the Survivors / Deceased of Oceanic Flight 815 did.

Rest in Peace

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