Friday, July 01, 2011

144 Years Young

Where has the time gone? Seems like only yesterday we were canoeing through the uncharted lakes and rivers of this vast and beautiful country discovering all of the magnificence it had to offer.

Now here we are celebrating the 144th birthday of this spectacular nation.

From sea to sea to sea we take pride in so many things truly Canadian. From our abundant fresh water lakes and rivers to our unsurpassed scenery, Canada has become a beacon of hope and destination for so many around the world.

Canada is known for many things but the one thing I hear most often from foreigners visiting our homeland is how friendly and polite we are. That is something to be proud of.

The Maple Leaf red and white flag is a symbol of peace and friendliness which is probably why so many people use it when traveling to let others know where we're from. I've even know Americans who have used it to avoid problems.

Canadians are starting to recognize more and more how lucky we truly are to live where we do. And it makes me
proud to see more people waiving the Canadian flag with pride. It's OK to be patriotic and show it. It's not rude or arrogant to flash the red and white as a sign that you are a proud Canadian.

So on this Canada Day, let's see the pride in our nation displayed in excess and show the world what we already know. Canada is the best country on this planet.


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