Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's Golf Season Again

Well it has finally arrived. With temperatures back at or above normal it's only natural that the golf courses in my neck of the woods are open for business.

Last night I ventured out for a quick and fun nine hole round of scramble golf with some friends. I hadn't swung a club since Boxing Day in Florida so I knew I'd be rusty but I wasn't prepared for all the rust I had. I was playing like a FORD vehicle that's how rusty I was.

I thought I was going to play well. I stepped up to the first tee and my first shot of the season settled about 2 inches away from the hole. I damn near had a hole-in-one with my first swing of the year. I thought, "Hey...this might not be too bad after all."

Sadly, after getting my birdie on the first hole it was all down hill from there. I was sculling the ball, topping the ball and one time I even missed the ball completely. It's funny how you, or I, have to retrain myself after having all the time off. I needed to tie my head down so I wasn't peaking but I couldn't stop myself and my swing was looking like a folding lawn chair. Ya, I'm not sure what that means either.

Any way, I managed to finish the round and other than my tee shots, the rest of my game wasn't too bad.

Here it is the following morning and I'm in a lot of pain. I guess I found some muscles I haven't used all winter and they're letting me know they didn't appreciate being ignored for the last six months. On top of that my left foot and my right knee are both feeling less than top notch as well.

I think that's just my body telling me to wait until the golf carts are allowed on the course and I should ride the rest of the season. In fact, that's probably why my game stunk so much...I was in too much pain and tired from climbing the hills.

I'd like to think that's the reason. Oh well, it's just the beginning of the season so there's plenty of time to work on some better excuses.

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