Friday, November 07, 2008

Where Have I Been?

I want to apologize to my loyal readers who make it a point to stop by a few times a week just to see what I've been thinking.

I haven't had an update in a while and there's two reasons for that.

1. I have been busy with other stuff in my life.
2. I just haven't had anything to complain or talk about lately.

I could talk about the historic election results south of the border in the United States but if you're like me, you were sick of all the election talk long before Obama was announced as the winner. It's not that I don't recognize the significance of the event. I've just moved beyond it already.

I spent more time on Tuesday night watching the American election coverage than I did the night of our own Canadian election. Honestly...our election is incredibly boring compared to the U.S. election. The Canadian government could learn a lot from the Americans when it comes to getting the people excited about politics.

Lets be honest, our leaders are about as charismatic as a pile of manure. They're like some of the Dwarfs from Snow White.

Lets see...Prime Minister Harper (Conservatives) would be "Borey" for his monotone voice and ability to kill the enthusiasm in all who come in conatact with him.

I'd call Stéphane Dion (Liberals) "Whiney" as his skill and ability to blame everyone else but himself for his parties failures is quite impressive.

Jack Layton (NDP)could only be named "Dorky" because lets face it...he's a dorky looking guy who does a great job of picking on everyone else but can't produce any good problem solving ideas of his own.

Gilles Duceppe (Bloc Québécois) is an easy one..."Snotty". It must be tough trying to run the party for Quebec Nationalists with a 2X4 jammed up your anus all the time. However you can bet that René Lévesque would be proud of the Canada hating jackass. I'd tell him the same thing that I'd tell any immigrants to Canada...if you don't like the way things are done here and you don't want to live by our rules and beliefs...then don't let the airplane door hit you in the butt as you leave to find another country to live in. Actually...I probably wouldn't be that polite.

Finally there's Elizabeth May (Green Party). I won't give her a name since her party is a complete joke any way.

For some reason I just find the American political system more interesting. I realize the Canadian system is all about history as well as it is based on the British system. However, nobody said that was any good either.

Although I didn't support Barrack Obama and his party I don't have anything against the man and I think he'll likely do about as good a job as McCain would have. Lets face it, neither one of them would have had a tough act to follow.

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